Saturday 28 May 2016

We have lift off! (well down actually...)

16 months into the build and I think the time has come to take the chassis off the trestles and stand it on some axle stands lower to the ground fully conscious it is gaining weight and there will come a time the trestles can't take any more and start to buckle under the strain.

So, thought process was initially brute labour with several willing (press ganged.?) "volunteers" being roped in with the bribe of a brew and bacon roll at the end and basically lift off the trestles and drop down to the axle stands.

On reflection, not the best way and after looking at obvious lifting points to get an adequate grip that was not going to be a goer. So plan B - engine hoist. 

Having not invested in an engine hoist I trawled around the web for one to hire - Hire it Here came to rescue and offered a £40 bank holiday weekend hire of a hoist which was actually bloomin' good value considering HSS were after nearer £90 plus delivery - so a trip to Oldham to collect Friday evening.

So revised Plan B involved the engine hoist lifting the rear up sufficiently to get the trestle out and then gently drop down to the axle stands whilst some willing "volunteers" managed the front end (the lighter end) down onto two more axle stands at the front.

In practice, Plan B went very smoothly and once I had worked out what angle the hoist needed to be and had re-slung the sling from the roll bar, it lifted the rear enough to get the trestle out. It was then gently does it lowering down onto the axle stands and ten minutes later its sitting on its new stands.

Big thanks to the family for assisting, in no order of importance or seniority:

Alex (Axle stand rear drivers side)
Alice (Lifter front)
Dan (Axle stand rear passenger side)
Becky (Lifter front)
Jess (Axle stand front passenger)
Vicki (axle stand front driver side)
Sue (lifter)
Bob (lifter)
Ann (chief photographer)

A selection of photos to show the lift down:

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Scroll Mantra said...
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