Friday 13 November 2015

Side Panels

Well, I took the plunge of getting the side panels fitted to the vehicle.

These along with the scuttle and rear panel are what I would class as landmark fitments in the build process, it starts to evolve into looking like a car, becomes more substantial less skeletal even.

Again I spent alot of deliberation as to when these were to be fitted - the factory fit them early in the build so it seemed sensible to take guidance from them, they do after all build these cars to a very high standard and in theory have fined tuned the build sequence over the years.

but you weigh that up with the fact that fitting the panels reduces access around the vehicle and installing items such as the engine / gearbox that bit more tricky. 

Consensus from other builders is firmly down the middle, with I would say an even split of those whom fit early to those whom leave until the last possible minute. so no guide to fall back on there! A decision had to be made so I elected to go with an early fitment simply because fitting whilst it is on trestles is easier, storage of the panels was a problem as I did not want them damaged and items such as the front suspension need removing before fitment so doing that later in the build when the vehicle is off trestles would I envisage prove more difficult...we shall see further down the line if this decision is the right one!

fitment of the panels is superb, alot better than I expected, the panels basically fit like a glove round the chassis frame, no trimming needed, a slight bend is needed mid way down the side but that virtually bends itself into position when the whole panel is mated to the chassis.

Out with the polyurethane sealant of which you will need a lot! position the panel and clamp into position.

I elected to do as few rivets as possible (The factory apparently don't even rivet) so I riveted along the front edge near the front suspension, underneath where the panel folds under the chassis and along the rear where the wheel arch will fit.

Leave to cure for a couple of days and hey presto side panels on, no turning back now and I have to say its started to look like a "proper" chassis.

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