Thursday 22 January 2015

Differential update

Weather has been a bit nippy recently to be spending long amounts of time in the garage during the evening (must get some heating sorted out...), so took the opportunity to continue the refurb of the differential conscious it is going to need fitting into the chassis in the not too distant future.

A couple of evenings work in the kitchen with some silver Hammerite paint and the outside of the differential is looking a lot better than when I first sourced it last year.

Special thanks to Sue for the "loan" of the table!

Took the opportunity to order the differential fitting kit from GBS which although I have the original bolts which came with the differential some fresh ones won't go amiss plus I get the necessary spacers with the kit to centralise it in the chassis, come fitting.

Just need to source a ready volunteer to help manhandle the unit into the chassis, need to put some thought into method and possibly further support to the chassis as its not exactly light in weight

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