Monday 12 January 2015

Brake and clutch pedals part 2

So bushes located into the pedals and assembly on the chassis, next push the tube through the bushes which in turn has a bolt inserted through that.

No simple way to describe this next step except its a laborious task involving rubbing, filing and polishing!

The tube was unwilling to slide through neither the pedals or the chassis frame cleanly, I was expecting this again having read other builds so armed with emery paper and a 14mm drill bit I set to work in getting the tube pushed through cleanly.

Focus on a pedal at a time, i first put a chamfor on the edge of the tube to provide some assistance. Looking into the bushes showed some plastic flash and uneven surface so by using a 14mm drill bit I first ran that through the bushes with the electric drill slowly and cleanly to prevent the hole being widened accidentally and thus creating slack.

Once the drill bit had been run through I wrapped some emery paper round the drill bit and polished up the insides of the bush. Finally using emery paper again I polished the outside surface of the tube to remove any further resistance. Slowly but surely the tube pushed through the pedals and chassis frame.

Hey presto the brake and clutch dry fitted to the chassis. As a stated at the outset a laborious task but in a strange way a rewarding one as well. 

When final fit comes along, I will apply some 3in1 oil to the tube and inside bushes to further smooth the pivot action on the pedals

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