Monday 12 January 2015

Brake and clutch pedals part 1

So thought I would turn my attention to the endless supply of plastic bushes which need inserting and start with the brake and clutch pedal assemblies.

Reading several blogs plus the guidance from GBS suggested some brute force was needed to get the bushes inserted successfully however on reflection (so far anyway!) this part of the build has gone to plan very well.

Using a sanding drum inserted into an electric drill I cleaned out the powder coat from the inside of the apertures the bushes fit into, I also filed a champher on the leading edges of the apertures to assist the insertion of the bushes.

Applying some 3in1 oil to the inside of the aperture and the bush itself using a vice I compressed them together and in slid the bush. Process repeated 4 times on the two pedals.

The chassis frame where the pedal bushes locate cannot obviously be accessed with the vice, so a heath-robinson solution of a long bolt, packing, washer and nut provided the necessary force to push/pull the bushes into position.

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