Saturday 10 March 2018

Inlet Manifold to Plenum

jumping around the build somewhat now... Clutch, front brakes and now back to the engine bay and a re-visit to the plenum.

The GBS plenum needs mating to the modified inlet manifold. This is achieved by gluing the two components together using the Polyurethane Sealant thus preventing the plenum drawing in air through the sides of the plenum rather than through the throttle.  

It is worth getting a selection of "G" clamps to hand for this task as they are invaluable for ensuring the two components are seated together in a flat manner thus maintaning a tight air seal between the parts.

I also used some nuts and bolts as extra pressure to the sealant whilst it cured.

Don't use too much sealant, a nice even smear across the face of the inlet manifold should suffice, when you mate the two parts together ensure none of the sealant seaps into the inlet openings, wipe away with a white spirit soaked cloth.

Its a case of being patient and leaving to dry for a few days before undoing the "G" clamps and nuts and bolts.

Whilst the unit was gluing together, I also fitted the air temperature sensor as I noted access with a spanner to this is restricted once it is fixed onto the engine block.

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