Saturday 10 March 2018

Clutch cable fitted

Recent trip across to GBS garnered a few purchases including the clutch and throttle cable. I'll come to the throttle cable later however the clutch cable is a nice easy fit.

Reading several builds and talking to GBS, "notching" a nyloc nut seems the way to go in terms of fitting the cable to the bell housing. whilst the end of the cable slips over the clutch fork that extends outside the bellhousing.

the other end, passes through the pedalbox and connects to the clutch pedal via a "fork" connector - Note the pedal hole will need opening up  and whilst hindsight is a wonderful attribute I wish I had done that before the pedals were fixed in!

As you can see from the photo below, the initial line up of the cable through the pedalbox is skewed to the right hand side of the panel - not wishing this to start binding on the panel I subsequently opened up the hole a little more to remove any risk of it binding and causing any friction. 

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