Monday 29 August 2016

Scuttle Dashboard rail

Keeping the momentum moving rear to front with the build, time to refocus attention on the scuttle and look at covering the dashboard rail which holds the dashboard in place.

**NOTE this is easier to do BEFORE you apply the rivnuts into the dashboard rail.

Due to the nature of the home build, tolerances are not as exacting as mass produced a vehicles so there will be a gap in fitment of the dashboard relative to the scuttle profile.

Best way of masking this gap is to cover the dashboard rail with some leatherette type material readily available in fabric shops.

You need to get a template of the dashboard rail, so in hindsight (popular word on the blog!) its best to get the leatherette marked up BEFORE you fit the dashboard rail. Thankfully I was at GBS when I bought the leatherette and they kindly marked the leatherette up for me with their template they use.

Basically for you home builders, draw round the template and add 25mm extra either side of the template, this will provide the shape you need.

Cut the shape out and its then a case of getting the glue gun out and gluing the cut out leatherette into position - having a ready supply of clothes pegs is an essential tool for this. Work out from the centre gluing and positioning as you go.

I did this in two stages I glued the front first and then the next night did the rear of the dashboard rail to allow the glue to harden.

You will be left with alot of overlap to trim which is easily trimmed back using the IVA edge trim as your template - take a sharp Stanley knife blade and trim back the surplus.



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