Tuesday 7 July 2015

Back Seat Panel

Time for some more paneling!

Now I have got alot of the services (brake lines, fuel lines, main loom etc) running through the chassis, its coming to the point where I should start getting some of the panels fixed into position.

Back Seat Panel a nice one to get fixed in... Perhaps it was late in the day or the brain was not functioning fully, however I have to admit I spent best part of half an hour working out how this panel actually fits into position.

The solution as always was obvious once I had expelled some frustration in wondering how and why it was not fitting into position. Simple - bend the panel from the middle concave shape, pop the sides into their position on the chassis release the bend. In it goes - as I said simple!

Next need to mark where the panel will be riveted. Its not a load bearing panel so not a huge number of rivets will be required to secure, the polyurethane sealant will be a strong enough bonding agent also.

Easiest way to mark out for drilling, get a black marker pen and scribe from the rear along the chassis frames where rivets will go. remove the panel from the chassis once scribe'd and mark equal spaced rivet holes onto masking tape - following picture shows that after marking up with the pen and masking tape.

3.2mm drill bit for the rivets, some cleco fasteners to assist holding into position whilst further holes were drilled and its all good to go with the sealant and final rivet once the protective film has been removed

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