Sunday 7 June 2015

rear wishbones complete

Back on rear wishbones and focus turned to the lower wishbone units which are prepared exactly same in regards to inserting the plastic bushes followed by the steel collars.

Once all bushes have been fitted it was time to align the wishbones into the chassis frame locating in the U shape brackets and packing out with penny washers. One constant I found with this process was the quantity of penny washers needed to pack the wishbones varied from side to side, upper and lower. One side needed two, another side only needed one. Although the build tolerance has so far been excellent, I was rather wary of this seemingly inconsistent placement of penny washers. 

A quick check with GBS at their open day confirmed there is no hard and fast rule with the penny washer placement apart from ensuring you replicate their placement each side so for eg if you put two washers in on the top left, ensure you fit two top right so as to ensure equal spacing and a square suspension geometry.

Bolts then need to be inserted through the U-shaped bracket, penny washer(s), bush and secured with a nyloc nut - a reamer is an essential tool here, to clean out powder coat from the U-shaped brackets as is some emery paper to clean the bolts so they push through smoothly. the fit should be tight but allow for smooth upward/downward motion.

Uprights next, again you will need a reamer to clean the powder coat from the holes and you will also have to file away some of the powder coat on the bottom corners of the upright so it will fit between the lower wishbone bushes together with penny washer either side between the bush and the upright. The long bolt also needs some emery paper to polish /smooth it off

All the above was dry fitted and overall quite rewarding, all ready for the shocks to be fitted.

very pleased with the result so far!


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