Sunday 13 November 2016

Engine Part 2 strip down and prep

Seems such a shame to gut the engine of its dignity especially since it has not turned a wheel in anger... But this needs to be done, so out with the socket set and spanners!

first off was the inlet manifold and injectors.

The manifold needs to be "customised" in order to accept the GBS throttle bodies. Now on paper this is a simple task of sawing off the moulded pipework from the manifold thus leaving the inlet manifold face to be refitted back to the engine. However not wishing to mess this up GBS will do this for you so I need to strip the manifold of all its bits and return to GBS for them do the modification.

therefore I also removed from the inlet manifold the IACV  and the IAC valve. If this has been done correctly you will be left with the injector rail, an IACV and IAC valve

Next attention turns to the exhaust manifold off with that!

Not sure there is any use for this in the build so looks surplus to requirements... maybe a future ebay disposal

Finally removed the burn chamber which is covered with a breather blanking plate supplied by GBS

In all cases, exposed holes were covered with masking tape, any debris, screws accidentally dropped through the holes will spell the end


Chris W said...

Nice blog David, and nice looking build - love the Zero.

laneygbszero said...

Thanks Chris, sorry not been on the blog for a while, real life gets in the way of the build!
Should be back on it soon, engine & gearbox going in