Saturday 1 October 2016

Battery Tray

I think I have previously mentioned about focusing attention towards the front of the car.. that said, a nice quick job to pass an hour is to fit the battery tray.

To do this it is best to have the battery to hand in order that you can position the tray correctly in the engine bay. The battery itself is an 063 model which is very common and widely available from many outlets.

I bought online from Tanya Batteries which were an excellent online resource for all things car batteries and offer a wide variety of batteries at varying prices. I went in at the cheaper end of the market acquiring a Powerline branded product. Next day delivery and very well packaged - highly recommended!

Anyway back to the installation of the tray. As mentioned earlier it really is a simple job, position the tray and battery, mark out on the panel it is being fixed to,  drill holes for rivets and rivet in place.

Remember to position the battery strap between the tray and panel before riveting as this is what holds the battery in position.

photos, I think show the installation quite well..

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