Saturday 12 December 2015

Happy birthday!

One year old.... how quick has that year gone?

Quick  reflection back over the last twelve months, firstly a couple of photos which I hope shows progress...

So am I where I wanted to be 12 months down the line?

Its fair to say I had hoped to have the chassis off the trestles and on wheels after the first year however that has not proved to be the case. In reality you realise as these builds progress they can become all engrossing to the detriment of other aspects of life - house, garden, DIY, holidays, visiting family & friends etc. A sense of perspective has to be put on such projects and at times the build has had to (quite reasonably) take a back seat.

Also, a cold wintry night in a garage does not carry the appeal of a warm cosy living room!

On reflection I am pleased with how far the build has progressed, its testament to GBS that so far the build has been fault and stress free, a sign that the kit has been well engineered and problems ironed out over the years. i am learning a huge amount in this project and in a lot of cases venturing into new territory as I build the car. The main thing is I AM ENJOYING IT and it has ticked all the boxes i wanted to tick in terms of satisfaction, quality of build, support available (be it the web, fellow builders, GBS)

no regrets so far - here's to trouble free further progress in the next twelve months...

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