Friday 11 September 2015

Brake and Clutch Pedals - Part 3

It seems an ago when I first picked up these two parts and assembled bushes into the chassis and respective pedals.

Now I have got some of the more fiddly, hard to reach carpet fitted it seems as good a time as any to think about fitting the brake and clutch pedals into position.

The two pedals pivot from a central shaft which runs through the bushes of each pedal, with spacers between the bushes. 

The last larger spacer on the left (as you look at the assembly from the front back) needed some trimming in order to fit into the remaining gap but that aside these all went together well.

The brake master cylinder pin still requires shortening to length but until I have got the brakes fully setup I cannot finalise this length with any degree of confidence; but fitting these two pedals into position gives the chassis a more purposeful look and you can begin to visualise the driving position more clearly

The accelerator pedal fits later in the build hence why you cannot see it in the pictures below

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