Wednesday 17 December 2014

Getting sorted

So, having had some sleep it was time to get in the garage and sort out what had been deposited in there in a rush late afternoon yesterday.

As a point of reference I ordered the GBS Zero Ford based kit with lowered floor panel, powder coated chassis, fuel system, brake lines and main wiring loom in lieu of the GRP bodywork which I don't need until later in the build. My intention throughout this process is to be methodical and logical in the build acquiring bits relevant to the stage of build as I go along.

So, with that in mind I need to find homes for everything, having a double garage helps but I do need to recognize the left hand side of the garage is for Sue's MX5 the right hand side is for the Zero! - clear demarcation lines to observe

Conscious some of the panels are long (side panels), awkward and bulky (bonnet and rear panel) and downright fragile (top shroud) the roof of the garage came in handy to store these bits till required.

i went through the various boxes, labeling, identifying and safely storing for future needs.  

One thing that does stand out is the quality of finish on the powder-coat, really first class and I was conscious with the wishbones, hub carriers etc to place down gently for fear of damaging the coating.

I finally ripped off the protective film around the front of the chassis and wrapped bubble wrap around the exposed radiator brackets and rear rollbar supports (both to protect the powder coat but also me when brushing against the chassis!)

A long but rewarding morning and I am itching to get started, fit something, drill something, thinking all of this (and more) has to fit on the chassis at some point, exciting times ahead!


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