Tuesday 16 September 2014

An idea forms...

An idea forms.....

Roll the clock back twenty plus years and I sat down with my father discussing the idea of kit cars and should we do one... for what ever reason we never got round to doing such a project although we looked closely at the Dutton Phaeton and Westfield alas nothing serious came of those conversations, marriage, children, jobs and other interests/commitments came and went seemingly consigning those ideas to history.

Fast forward to 2014 and I have found myself revisiting the same project. a wiser head on older shoulders...who knows... ask me in several months time when I am staring at a kit in the garage wondering how it goes together and in what sequence!

What has driven this urge to make this mighty step? An empty garage space is a help! That space was previously occupied with a rotax kart which I raced for many a year. However age catches up with us all and after one Monday too many, waking up following a weekends racing complaining of aches and pains my wife, Sue, mentioned in passing perhaps the time was right to hang up the helmet, overalls and retire gracefully from what is a young mans sport and suggested I revisit the kitcar idea I'd spoken about many times in passing.

So over the coming however many months (years) I aim to capture the trials, tribulations, successes of building a car, I hope you enjoy the journey............

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