Thursday 24 September 2020

An Update

 Well... where do I start...

Clearly updates have been thin on the ground since the end of December 2018...

A lot has happened in that intervening period some of which was outside of my control.

2019 was a year where ill health took a front seat as I endured three hospital visits for a variety of issues which included a heart scare, severe food poisoning and a routine operation! 2019 can certainly claim to never have been a dull year!.

As you can imagine kitcar build took a back seat for while whilst I recovered from those various visits. Suffice to say I was fighting fit as I entered 2020 by which time a new perspective on life lead to the decision to downsize to a smaller property and we moved to the delightful village of Daresbury (claim to fame... Lewis Carroll

So the move necessitated the need to relocate the kitcar to a temporary lock up and as you can see form the attached footage - it took its first steps out of the garage to pastures new for a few months whilst we geared up the new property to receive the car back, it came back home in September and we are ready for the final push to get it IVA'd and ready to hit the road during 2021.

throughout that period bits have been done to the car, some diarised some not, I will endeavor to update the blog with as much detail as I can muster from archived photos and so forth, however a renewed focus arises as we push to get the final snagging list completed.