Sunday 10 March 2019

Wiper motor

 Although I'm not fitting a windscreen until after the car has been IVA'd I need to understand where the wiper mechanism fits relative to the space needed for the ECU. In all likelihood this will come out again before it gets IVA'd but at least it will be a straight forward refit when I come to do the windscreen.

All the bits are courtesy of GBS via their kitspares dept, first thing you will need to do is reverse the mechanism where the wipers park. GBS do a very helpful fact sheet to do this which I wont go into huge detail here suffice to say its a straight forward enough task once you've managed to remove the c-clips.

Back to the installation and another bit you will have to trim down to size is the threaded shaft which extends from the mechanism and the metal sheath which goes over it.

What I did not realise when I did this initially cut down of the sheath and threaded shaft is the sheath has to be cut into several bits to accommodate the wiper boss which goes through the bulkhead and onto which the wipers fit. Reflecting back this was obvious as clearly the boss would not work if it is fitted over the sheath! 

So shaft and sheath trim to size its simply a case of bolting the mechanism to the bulkhead and securing the wiper bosses to the threaded shaft. The Clamp which holds the mechanism in place on the bulkhead is a tight fit and whilst it learns to take the shape of the mechanism it will take some coercing with the nut bolt to stay in place. It gets there eventually but I discovered some new dexterity I needed to apply to the mechanism, Clamp and nut/bolt!