Saturday 19 January 2019

Exhaust exit from bonnet

Still focused around the bonnet area of the build, attention turned to the aperture which needs cutting in the bonnet for the exhaust manifold to come through.

First thing was to fit the manifold into position using the stock ford gasket and bolts sourced from GBS (Note the stock OEM bolts are too long for the GBS manifold). Simple job end result thus:

now that was in position I could start taking some measurements and datums for where the exhaust exits the bonnet relative to the chassis. I used a piece of paper to mark and make a template which in turn I transposed that onto the side of the bonnet. 

Clearly marked it was a case of taking a drill bit and drilling alot of holes around the perimeter of the the cutting and then using a junior hacksaw blade sawing through each hole to cut out the unwanted piece of metal.

Once removed it was a case of taking a metal file and cleaning up the outline and making a nice smooth finish. Apply some edging strip and one aperture cut int he bonnet to provide an exit for the exhaust manifold.

NB - the eagle eyed readers among you will note the bonnet has suddenly been wrapped in this sequence of photos! I adopted the carbon fibre look for the bonnet and when doing it forgot to take the photos, so only the finished article to note in the pictures. 

Sunday 6 January 2019

Front Grille

Quick job installing  the front grill onto the nosecone.

Held in place with a couple of nyloc nuts, washers and bolts on either side.

Careful bit is positioning the grill centrally on the nosecone, this is quite critical as you can end up with the hole for the bolt being right on the edge of the fibreglass.... yep the left hand one is right on the edge however. I don't think it looks too bad fitted just not 100% happy, I may apply some black to the recess the grille sits in to hide the slightly offset position the grille looks.