Thursday 23 November 2017

Engine Wiring loom

Focus continues on getting the engine bay completed.

Next step is the engine wiring loom which follows similar principles to the main wiring loom provided by GBS i.e plug and play, easily labelled etc 

The electrics on the car has filled me with dread and it is the one aspect of the build I am least looking forward to, so anything which makes this job easier is a tick in the box for me.

The main challenge is routing the loom and working out where to cable tie to the chassis, its worth spending some time on this as we all want it to look professional and neat. That said, there is plenty of slack provided on the loom so you can be quite creative in the routing.

'Erring on the side of caution, I have left the loom loose on the passenger side whilst I get a better feel for where other electrics fit, plus I still need to Finish off the battery loom run from the alternator round to the starter motor.

I could not resist placing the plenum in position to see how it all fitted...

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Front Suspension Prep

A job / task which is not, I am assured, a specific requirement for the IVA but I do feel finishes off the panels is to fix some rubber trim round the apertures the front suspension goes through when connecting to the chassis.

I did try a trim which has some glue already in the groove however it was not very pliable and the curves it goes round proved too acute for a good fit so i reverted back to the normal thin trim.

Nothing too difficult, just need some patience to work the trim onto the panel and get it seated round each aperture.

Looks nice, job done!

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Fuel Rail modification

Now the cooling circuit has been installed, progress towards the completed engine installation gateway moves ever closer. Need to refocus energies back on fuel circuit.

Previous posts will have made reference to the fuel system, swirl pot etc the final piece to complete is running fuel lines from the HP pump to the fuel rail and from the swirl pot to the fuel regulator at other end of the fuel rail.   

In regards to the fuel regulator, reading the GBS owners forum, it is suggested the OEM Ford regulator is more than adequate for the build and although the GBS fuel system comes with an adjustable fuel pressure regulator it is not essential to replace the OEM one with the adjustable version (need to return that..!)

So basing my decision on better peoples knowledge I elected to keep the Ford regulator.

One piece which does need replacing is what can be best described as the twisty return pipe which comes out of the other end of the fuel rail. Some builders have bent this round and cut off leaving a short piece protruding onto which the fuel hose connects. GBS do sell their own adapter which replaces the OEM part - not being overly expensive and personally I think looks better I switched the OEM part for the GBS version.

Final comment, GBS suggest switching the fuel regulator round with the adapter, however when I did this i noted the regulator blocks a wiring loom plug so decided to leave as per the original layout (regulator facing the front of the car, adapter facing the firewall)

So, build wise its simply a case of removing the "twisty return pipe" and replacing with the GBS adapter!