Wednesday 28 December 2016

Inlet Manifold modification

In the engine strip note I referred to the inlet manifold needing to be modified in order to accept the GBS Plenum. You can do this yourself sand take a hacksaw to the plastic and cut away, however unless you know where to cut exactly it could prove a costly error so i err'd on the side of caution and sent the original recently dismantled manifold back to GBS for them to do the job properly with the correct equipment.

As you can see from the attached photo the freshly cut manifold loses all of its injected moulded pipework and you are left with e a nice flat face onto which the plenum will sit.

So this piece can now go back onto the engine, re-fit the injectors which simply push back in, locate onto the engine block and secure with the original fixings. Again ensure the holes are tapped over to stop debris being ingested into the engine.

Seat Belts

Santa provided some nice new seat belts for Christmas, so i grabbed a morning in the garage post festivities to get them fitted.

TRS branded 4 point harness 50mm belts in black which includes all the fittings.

Simple job to get fitted once you work out how the fittings go together where the lap belts fit into the bulkhead panels. You will need to take the seats out to fit the bulk head lap belts first, refit the seats then the shoulder belts can be fixed into position.

It will be a good idea to clean the threads out on the chassis before fitting and also don't over tighten the bulkhead bolts as they could dent the outer panels if tightened in too much