Tuesday 11 November 2014


Mauritius here we come...two weeks of sun, sea and doing very little!!

Back in December when the chassis will be collected and the build commences...

Garage tidied, rear diff cleaned

So approaching just over one month to go before the chassis arrives, felt I should turn my attention to the garage and have a tidy an prepare some space.

Having access to a double garage has its benefits as I have not had to barter, negotiate space with my wife's car so the right hand side is becoming the workshop for the zero when it arrives.

A new workbench has been ordered and fits nicely along the side of the wall plus cadging some old shelving from my in-laws and a trip to Ikea has generated some more shelving space.

Looking at the space I think /hope there is enough room come December....time will tell on that one!

Also took the time to start and clean up the rear diff as that will be one of the first fits on the chassis when it arrives. 

I drained the oil from the diff and started to attack the casing,plenty of deagreaser and toothbrush work on the casing and its starting to come back to life. Intention is to get some silver smoothrite applied and renew the seals in readiness for fitment.