Saturday, 15 June 2019

Speedo Sensor

 This is fiddly! Fat fingers are not helpful for this.

Its also helpful the handbrake cable is moved out of the way whilst you do this.

the speedo bracket was fitted relatively early doors in the build. If you avid readers will recollect the hole the sensor goes through was elongated to provide for movement up and down relative to where the driveshaft bolt passes the sensor head.

The distance between the driveshaft bolt and the sensor is between 1 and 2mm above the bolt heads so make a trust template to that depth and place it on top of the bolt. Pass the sensor through the bracket and here is the fiddly bit. It is held in place with a nut top and bottom between the bracket... the bottom nut is extremely faffy to get in place without losing it down the drive-train tunnel.

Once the bottom nut is on you can adjust accordingly with the template to guise the sensor to the right depth by turn the top nut accordingly.

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